Electricity and Infrastructure

Global Deployments of Utility Meters Edition 2, 2012

This NRG Expert Report and Database is an in-depth analysis of the Global Metering Markets. A global market that has over US$12 billion set to be invested in 2015 alone for electricity metering alone. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide multi-meter markets, and the database is a total overview of the market value for Electricity, Gas and water with 2011 actuals and forecasts to 2015 for over 180 countries where available. A worldwide by-country overview of the number of utility customers and the number of units sold with associated market value for Electricity, Gas and Water Meters. Country profiles for 49 countries are also provided.

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Power Generator Database and Market Intelligence Edition 1, 2012

This NRG Expert product provides a by country/fuel overview of global generating capacity, its evolution and power forecasts. Global generating capacity rose from approximately 134 GW in 1938, to 213 GW in 1950 after the Second World War, and then to 5,082 GW in 2010. Although the figures were small compared with today, the years of WW 2 and the following period, from 1938 to 1950 were a time of enormous change in the electrical sector in which the seeds of today’s industry were sown. There was heavy destruction to the industry in Europe and Japan in the first half of the 1940s, while in the USA capacity grew from 37.6 GW in 1938 to 50.1 GW in 1945. In the years after the war reconstruction commenced, with global capacity growing to 217 GW by 1950. Global capacity is forecast to reach 7,390 GW in 2020.

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New Global Power Generation Projects Database Edition 1, 2012

This NRG Expert Database provides a listing of Global Electric Power Generation Projects proposed, under construction or awaiting commissioning.
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Electricity T&D Infastructure and Technologies Report & Database Edition 1, 2011

This new report and database analyses the global Transmission and Distribution market, providing a general overview of the T&D industry. It offers an introduction to the Smart Grid, together with assessments and detailed sections on definitions, strategies, security, investment, cost and development issues, definitions of sectors in the industry and grid interconnections and multinational collaboration. The database contains a by-country snapshot overview of the T&D sector. Each region file contains a regional overview of annual demand, capital expenditure and total generating capacity by country as well as list of details of industry companies. This report and database are user friendly products, giving real insight into the T&D networks that are continuously evolving in both size and nature. The T&D networks must grow in order to cope with ever rising demand. In the past where it was a matter of adding more lines, transformers and ancillary equipment, today the technology of the systems is often able to substitute increased sophistication for physical growth, or to reduce the additions required by making the system more efficient.

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Energy Efficiency Report Edition 1, 2012

This new NRG Expert report looks at the policies and incentives for energy efficiency for the power generation, the industrial sector, transportation and the residential or commercial sectors for countries worldwide. The report enables the reader to identify the major consumers of energy. They include in descending order, energy for power generation, the industrial sector, transportation and the residential or commercial sector. With electric generation capacity expected to be constrained in many countries worldwide in the foreseeable future, efforts have been focused on increasing electricity supply and reducing demand. One of the lowest hanging fruits in reducing electricity demand, i.e. the lowest cost, highest benefit ratio, is energy efficiency. Often energy efficient measures and devices will be more cost-effective than the construction of new generation capacity in order to meet demand for electricity. The same principle applies to fuels for energy generation. Where projected rising prices, especially for oil, make energy efficient cars with a low fuel consumption compared to conventional vehicles considerably more attractive for consumers. Uptake of the implementation of some energy efficiency devices has been rather slow where significant barriers exist, such as high upfront costs etc. In many countries, the uptake of energy efficiency is incentivised. For example, in Canada homeowners are offered grants for energy efficiency improvements under the ecoENERGY Retrofit scheme.

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Global Smart Grid Report Edition 1, 2011

This new report looks at the global Smart Grid Report market place now and the predictions for future growth development and change. In recent years the smart grid has gained a lot of column inches as the panacea for problems with the current electric grid system. A grid system designed for the one-way flow of information and electricity from power plants to consumers. Where consumers are billed for electricity usage based on estimates of consumption regardless of the actual usage and according to time of day. This grid is not designed for the integration of large scale intermittent renewable capacity, or for small-scale distributed renewable capacity such as rooftop solar panels and small scale wind turbines. There is a demand for a new grid system to meet the demands of the 21st century. Smart grid deployment has focused on the use of smart meters and associated communica-tions network in most countries with the notable exception of China. Demand for smart water meters is expected to be high in countries and regions experiencing water stress such as parts of the Middle East, California etc.

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Energy Security Edition 1, 2011

This new global report covers the issues and uncertainties facing companies and countries with regard to energy security. At the country and company-level there are growing concerns over energy security. While no one definition of energy security exists, it is often referred to as enough energy supplies to meet demand at an acceptable price that is not detrimental to economic growth. Indices for energy security have been developed but there is no one definitive energy security index.
Current fluctuating fuel and electricity prices are making countries and companies consider other options to meet demand. Especially as some oil and gas countries are experiencing civil disturbances, fuel theft and piracy events. For example, piracy takes place off the coast of Nigeria and off Somalia, civil unrest in Libya and oil theft in the delta region of Nigeria. Therefore, companies and countries have started to investigate the use of energy supplies closer to home or from more stable countries.

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Energy Storage Report Edition 1, 2011

NRG Expert’s new Energy Storage Reports looks at the global developments for battery and energy storage. Energy storage has started to garner interest as a means to integrate more intermittent renewable capacity into the grid. Storage has more uses such as meeting peak demand and delaying investment in generation capacity as a whole, which makes it attractive for utilities. Although while most interest in storage has focused on grid-scale applications, there is also a large market for smaller, scale distributed storage. This includes storage at the consumer-side which could meet demand when the upstream part of the grid is offline. To illustrate the point, in 2010 grid-scale storage projects only accounted for just under a third of all storage deals. Batteries for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids are too expensive and the infrastructure is not in place for large-scale charging of vehicles. The development of smart grids would make these vehicles more attractive. The development of the storage sector is largely reliant on rising oil prices, in the case of electric vehicles, and gas prices, in the case of grid storage and distributed capacity. Both of which are likely in the mid-term.

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