2012 Transmission and Distribution Report and Database

NRG Expert have researched the Electricity Transmission and Distribution market to produce an in-depth database and accompanying market research report. The report and database helps companies and countries evaluate how the electricity transmission and distribution networks will evolve to cope with ever rising demand. The data enables teams to review the leading manufacturers and their products. It provides forecasts to 2016, calculates line lengths and outlines the various energy infrastructure options available to increase energy efficiency, such as increasing power lines or focusing on installing new electricity line and grid technology. Vital information for anyone operating within the Electricity Transmission and Distribution industry.

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The Database

The Excel database is the main focus of the product and contains vital forecasts  and electrical transmission and distribution data for 180 countries. Data can be purchased at a global or a regional level:

What’s in this Electricity Transmission and Distribution Database?

This database includes forecasts and analysis of the electrical power distribution industry, electricity transmission, power lines, smart grid market share and more, including:

  • Electricity Annual Demand, globally, regionally and by country
  • Capital Expenditure in the T&D industry
  • Transmission and Distribution Company listings
  • Electricity Distribution Line-length Data (installed KMs)
  • Capex data (2011 actuals forecast to 2016 in 2011 USD)
  • Annual Demand Data (2011 actuals forecast to 2016 in 2011 USD)
  • Generation Capacity (Installed MW Capacity) data
  • Voltage Breakdown and Overhead Underground Analysis
  • Electricity Network Maps
  • Electricity Grid Interconnections

The Annual Demand information contains a regional and by-country overview of the annual demand 2011 actual figures and forecasts for 2012-2016 in 2011 United States Dollars (USD) as broken down into the 9 sectors defined by NRG Expert:

  • Transformers Annual Demand,
  • Power Systems Annual demand,
  • Utility Automation,
  • Cables Annual Demand,
  • Switchgear Annual Demand,
  • Sub-Stations Annual Demand,
  • Towers Annual Demand,
  • Insulators Annual Demand,
  • Electricity Meters Annual Demand.

The Capex information shows Capital Expenditure in the Electrical Transmission and Distribution industry by region and by country, presenting 2011 actual and 2012-2016 forecast figures in 2011 USD.

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The Report

The market research report presents a background to the Electrical Supply Industry  before delving deeper into the state of the industry at present and looking towards the future.

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As well as explaining the various sectors of the industry as used in the database, the report provides a comparative overview of Annual Demand for Transmission and Distribution Equipment, Capital Expenditure and Installed Lengths for 36 of the 180 countries contained in the database.

Presented in the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Report

  • Company Analysis
  • Global Market Share data for major players
  • Market shares for Smart Grid companies in key regions.
  • NRG Expert Methodology used to compile the Transmission and Distribution Database and Report.
  • Regional Electrical Power and Electricity lines
  • Analysis on Grid technologies and Interconnections
  • A high level analysis of the Transmission and Distribution electrical energy industry and electricity lines

Key Reasons to Purchase this Market Research

This Electricity Transmission and Distribution Database and accompanying report allows you to make key business decisions based on our forecasts and analysis of the Electricity T&D Market. You can:

  • Gain a global understanding of the electrical energy market and power transmission lines
  • Understand the trends, developments and opportunities for power system distribution and electricity infrastructure
  • Prepare market size evaluations and electrical energy forecasts on electricity infrastructure and electric power distribution
  • Manipulate the in-depth electricity data

Background to this Market Research

  • Electricity transmission and distribution networks are continuously evolving to cope with ever rising demand. In the past, companies focused on adding more power lines, transformers and ancillary equipment,
whereas today new grid technologies can make the systems more efficient. Today the technology of the systems is often able to substitute increased sophistication for physical growth.
  • Smart gridshave been put forward as a solution for many of the problems within the current electrical grid system. The development of the smart grid in different markets is dependent upon the smart grid drivers.
  • To gain a full understanding of the electricity transmission and distribution industry, review the report and database.

Price – Global Database & Report: £4,995.00
Prod. Code:
Edition 2: 2012

Price – Database only: £3,995
Prod. Code:
Edition 2: 2012

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