NRG Expert is constantly updating its portfoloio of products with our cutting edge analysis and database forecasting and modelling. Whether you are looking for research in the oil, gas, nuclear, renewables, or transmission and distribution sectors; we have the reports and databases to meet all your energy research needs. You’ll find below a summary of some of our latest products:
The Global Coal Industry Historical, Present, and Future Generation Statistics to 2025 which contains,
- A global coal analysis and overview
- Coal Rank
- An analysis of the international coal trade industry
- The new coal technologies
- The key country coal markets and coal companies
- Coal industry research
- Coal data and statistics
- Clean coal market
- And much more…
The Global Nuclear Industry Historical, Present, and Future Generation Statistics to 2025 which contains:
- The status of Nuclear Power
- The nuclear fuel cycle and supporting industries
- Nuclear power technology and nuclear history
- Risk and Safety
- The Economics of nuclear power
- Nuclear energy data
- And much more…
The Global Hydro Industry Historical, Present, and Future Generation Statistics to 2025 which contains:
- The contribution of Hydro Power to the energy mix
- Hydro power generation capacity in each country
- Hydro power plants by country
- The history of hydro power and hydro developments
- Hydro technology
- Environmental concerns
- And many other hydro electric facts